Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Book Review: Couples Who Pray - The Most Intimate Act Between a Man and a Woman by Squire Rushnell, Louise DuArt

Being in a relationship is really a serious matter, but maintaining a relationship is the toughest one. I am so blessed that for more than 4 years now my relationship with my fiancee is still strong and fortified by time. Since we are planning to get married in time, I am more curious to know how to have a successful or happy marriage.

This made me request this book entitled "Couples Who Pray, The Most Intimate Act Between a Man and Woman" by Squire Rushnell, Louise DuArt. This book is actually for married couple, but I believe we can read it too since we are about to enter that phase in the near future, this will definitely help us strengthen our relationship and bond it with prayer.

 This book helps each couples to learn to pray together, it actually includes an easy questionnaire prepared by Baylor University to help couples to chart their own progress during The 40 Day Prayer Challenge, isn't it nice?? Im still reading on it, so I can only give you a brief review about the book.

First, the book includes some true-life experiences of some couples made me realize that prayer is really essential in one relationship. This is a basic need that we must not forget to apply. Knowing the fact that marriage is not a smooth road to take but with prayer everything will be fine.

Second, the 40 Day Prayer Challenge helps me to improve my prayer time/habit. I know that by this challenge I will learn how to make my prayer more intimate.

I highly recommend this book to all the couples out there, especially those married one, to get a copy of this book and I guarantee that you will really experience significant change in your married life :-)


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